Playing Catch-up | Project 365


7/365 | On Wednesday nights Tony plays bean bags at my parents house with some friends so it was just me and Micah! Micah and I spent lots of time playing, tickling, and just having fun!

8/365 | We made cookies with Daddy!

9/365 | As a typical Friday night, we went to Tony’s parents for supper. My sinuses were making me miserable, so we didn’t stay too late and I just managed to get one picture for the day. Micah loves when his Grandpa Tom talks to him, he wanted out of his car seat! 🙂

10/365 | Tony and I went out on a double date Saturday night with our friends Jordan and Kim. While I was getting ready Tony was taking care of Micah and put him in the swing. Next thing we know he fell asleep while playing! He was holding on to his toys and all! 

11/365 | Sunday night we went to my parents’ house (otherwise known as Grampy and Grandma’s) for the evening. Micah loves playing in my mom’s jumperoo and the Uncle’s love to play with Micah. 

12/365 | Monday morning was a rough one, Micah woke up with a fever of 101°. After taking him to the clinic we discovered he had the flu. Poor baby was miserable! Lots of cuddles were needed.

13/365 | Micah was still running a pretty high temp but starting to perk up a little bit. Lots of rest continued. It is so hard to see your baby feel so crappy.

14/365 | Micah finally broke his fever late last night but the cough and runny nose are still just exhausting. We had lots more smiles which was so good to see!

Eleanor R.

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